Thursday, March 31, 2011

Court Rehears Wolfeboro Firefighters' Case

Having granted the Wolfeboro full-time firefighter's Motion for Reconsideration, the Superior Court is holding a hearing today, March 30, 2011, to reevaluate part or all of its prior decision to uphold the Wolfeboro Board of Selectmen's actions rescinding recognition of the firefighters' union as a collective bargaining unit. The granting of the motion for reconsideration means that the court has agreed to reevaluate part or all of the matter based on a different analysis of the issues already heard or a consideration of further facts or points of law not available at the time of the original decision. A motion for reconsideration is only granted when there is a clear basis for concluding that the court has overlooked, been unaware of, or misunderstood some significant point of fact or law that could change the decision or decree.

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